Loukili Hassani, Badr(Universitat Politècnica de València, 2019-10-08)
[ES] La N-acetil-L-glutamato sintasa (NAGS) es un enzima mitocondrial que cataliza la acetilación de L-glutamato utilizando acetil coenzima A, produciendo N-acetil-L-glutamato (NAG), activador esencial del primer enzima ...
Morales Manzo, Ivan Ilich(Universitat Politècnica de València, 2017-10-18)
Nowadays, the organic agriculture had been acquiring significant importance in the market, with a clear upward trend in the coming years. Many of the plant material used hasn't been subject of a breeding program to this ...
Aguilar Medina, Cindy Lorena(Universitat Politècnica de València, 2017-10-19)
The pepper is one of the horticultural crops of greater importance in the world thanks to its great number of uses, emphasizing its gastronomic use and its nutraceutical value. At present this crop has a worldwide cultivated ...
Montero Escrivá, Tania(Universitat Politècnica de València, 2024-09-02)
[ES] La histamina es una amina biógena que se sintetiza por la descarboxilación de su aminoácido precursor, la L-histidina, gracias a la acción de la enzima L-histidina descarboxilasa (EC. La histamina puede ...
Martynenko, Anastasia(Universitat Politècnica de València, 2015-10-26)
[ES] La obesidad es un trastorno del metabolismo de los lípidos y sigue
siendo un problema mundial, ocupando el quinto puesto como causa de las
muertes en todo el mundo. La obesidad se considera un desequilibrio a ...
Muñoz-Pina, Sara; Ros-Lis, José Vicente; Delgado-Pinar, Estefanía; Martínez-Camarena, Álvaro; Verdejo, B.; García-España, Enrique; Argüelles Foix, Angel Luís; Andrés Grau, Ana María(American Chemical Society, 2020-07-29)
[EN] Enzymatic browning is one of the main problems faced by the food industry due to the enzyme polyphenol oxidase (PPO) provoking an undesirable color change in the presence of oxygen. Here, we report the evaluation of ...
Pantoja Lavado, Sandra(Universitat Politècnica de València, 2023-10-05)
[ES] La conservación en frío del caqui `Rojo Brillante¿ es una práctica habitual postcosecha para alargar su vida comercial, ya que, su producción se concentra entre los meses de octubre y diciembre. Sin embargo, esta ...
Morales-Manzo, Ivan I.; Ribes-Moya, Ana M.; Pallotti Sagripanti, Claudia Gabriela; Jiménez Belenguer, Ana Isabel; Pérez-Moro, Clara; Raigón Jiménez, Mª Dolores; Rodríguez Burruezo, Adrián; Fita, Ana(MDPI, 2023-05-03)
[EN] Modern agriculture has boosted the production of food based on the use of pesticides and fertilizers and improved plant varieties. However, the impact of some such technologies is high and not sustainable in the long ...
Ahmad-Qasem Mateo, Margarita Hussam; Nijsse, Jaap; García Pérez, José Vicente; Khalloufi, Seddik(Taylor & Francis, 2017)
[EN] Infusion of antioxidants into vegetables is a new food strategy managed by matrix processing. Raw and blanched apple were air- or freeze-dried. In the case of freeze-dried samples, different freezing methods were ...