Gutiérrez Praena, Daniel; Rios -Reina, Rocio; Ruiz, Rocio; Talero, Elena; Callejón, Raquel; Callejón, Rocio M; Casas, Marta; de la Haba, Rafael R; García-Miranda, Pablo; Carrascal, Livia; Guzmán-Guillén, Remedios; Sánchez Hidalgo, Marina(Editorial Universitat Politècnica de València, 2019-09-30)
[EN] Escape Rooms are educational resources that are being used by many educators, fostering
elements of collaboration that help in social skills development. In this study, a
multidisciplinary Escape Room has been ...
Castro García, Mª Pilar(Editorial Universitat Politècnica de València, 2019-05-07)
[ES] En los últimos tiempos, el absentismo universitario ha ido incrementando de forma progresiva. Entre los motivos del abondono del aula se encuentra el empleo de metodologías docentes desfasadas. Este abandono es un ...
[EN] Given the lack or decrease in the motivation of university students, teaching and with it the University finds itself in the position of putting into practice new, more active and motivating methodologies that allow ...
Pereira, Ana Catarina; Sampaio, Elsa; Quadro-Flores, Paula; Mascarenhas, Daniela(Editorial Universitat Politècnica de València, 2020-04-10)
[PT] Nas últimas décadas as tendências globais do desenvolvimento social, económico, tecnológico e cultural trouxeram mudanças nos modos de vida que impõem um olhar atento para os modos de educar esta geração nascida na ...
[EN] "Alimental, querido Watson" is a digital educational escape room created for the subject "Nutrition and Dietetics" of the degree in Medicine at the University of Valencia. The objective of this activity was to maintain ...