Calet, N.; Dumitrache, C. G.(Universitat Politècnica de València, 2016-12-30)
[EN] Current university context is experiencing many changes and in order to achieve a better adaptation of students to this new context it is important to identify university students’ characteristics. Among students ...
Leiva-Brondo, M.; Cebolla-Cornejo, J.; Peiró, R.; Pérez-de-Castro, A.(Editorial Universitat Politècnica de València, 2021-06-03)
[ES] El enfoque de aprendizaje de los estudiantes es variable dependiendo de factores personales y situacionales del estudiante. Aunque hay distintas clasificaciones, los enfoques profundo y superficial aparecen como los ...
Barbosa da Silva, Anielson; Canós-Darós, Lourdes; Coelho, Ana Lúcia de Araújo Lima; Perelló Marín, María Rosario; Santandreu Mascarell, Cristina(Asociación Europea de Dirección y Economía de la Empresa, 2019)
[EN] The purpose of this article is to analyze the relationships between learning
styles and student learning strategies of two universities located in Brazil and
Spain. The quantitative and descriptive study was conducted ...
Tortajada Blanca, Francisco; Chust Hernández, Pablo(Editorial Universitat Politècnica de València, 2018-09-26)
[EN] Objectives: To analyze the learning strategies most used by new university students at the Catholic University of Valencia, along with the strategies that are least used, and the differences in the use of learning ...
[EN] The incorporation of the competency-based approach in the European Higher Education Area implied a change in the educational paradigm, going from models teacher-centered to models student-centered and learning-centered. ...
Gargallo lopez, Bernardo; Morera Bertomeu, Isabel María; García Félix, Vicenta Eloína(Universidad de Murcia, 2015-10)
[EN] Se pretendía evaluar el impacto de metodología centrada en el aprendizaje sobre las estrategias de aprendizaje y los enfoques de aprendiza-je de un grupo de alumnos de Química, de 1º curso de Ingeniería, de la Universitat ...
[ES] El objetivo de este trabajo era concretar
el perfil de los alumnos excelentes
en la universidad, de cara a precisar
modelos eficaces de funcionamiento
que se pudieran generalizar y enseñar,
en la medida de lo ...
Sanfabián Maroto, José Luis; Belver Dominguez, Jose; Álvarez Álvarez, Carmen(Universitat Politècnica de València, 2014-12-26)
[EN] In the current context of university reform led by the European Higher Education Area many changes are occurring. These changes are observed in the processes of teaching and learning at different levels: structural, ...