Gimenez-Carbo, Ester; GÓMEZ-MARTÍN, M. ESTHER; Andrés-Doménech, Ignacio(Tempus Publications, 2022)
[EN] The paper presents and analyses how the generic outcome ``Ethical, environmental and professional responsibility¿¿ is
achieved in the bachelor¿s degree in civil engineering at Universitat Polite`cnica de Vale`ncia ...
Cebolla Cornejo, Jaime; Leiva Brondo, Miguel; Peiró Barber, Rosa María; Pérez de Castro, Ana María(Editorial Universitat Politècnica de València, 2019-09-30)
[EN] The development of amateur documentaries, in the form of screencasts, and its
self-evaluation, co- evaluation and peer evaluation has proven to be a very useful
instructional tool to train ethical responsibility in ...
Alcaide González, María Ángeles; De la Poza, Elena(Editorial Universitat Politècnica de València, 2019-09-30)
[EN] Currently, University students of Bachelor degrees are accustomed to
constant use and consultation on the Internet and social networks through
their laptops, tablets and mainly mobile phones "smartphones." That is ...
[EN] This paper presents a study on the development of the cross-curricular learning outcome (CCLO) "Ethical, environmental and professional responsibility" for students of different Bachelor's Degrees taught at Universitat ...
[EN] The text presents the work developed by the EICE (educational innovation and quality team) REMYP_07, related to the acquisition of the generic outcome "Ethical, environmental and professional responsibility" by UPV ...
Llopis Albert, Carlos; Rubio Montoya, Francisco José; Valle-Falcones, L.M.; Grima-Olmedo, C.(Universitat Politècnica de València, 2020-10-06)
[EN] This paper presents a teaching innovation project based on applying technical computing systems as a resource to improve learning in the classroom and as a way of evaluating transversal competences (TC). By these ...