[EN] The aim of this work was to promote a higher implication of the students in
the development of a subject from the Physical Activity and Sport Sciences
bachelor belonging to University of Valencia, through a ...
Mollá Vayá, Ramón Pascual; Pastor Gadea, Moisés; Abad Cerdá, Francisco José(Editorial Universitat Politècnica de València, 2016-07-19)
[EN] Traditionally, the passive role of the students in the evaluation process has
been changed making them part of the process in two ways:
1. After the exam, during the assesment, using techniques such as peer
correction, ...
Fernández Díaz, María Ángeles; González Pascual, Juan Luis; López Martín, Inmaculada; Manso Martínez, María Esperanza(Universitat Politècnica de València, 2011-04-09)
[ES] La materia “Habilidad es para Comunicary Educar en Salud” incluye la comprensión de la enfermería como una relación humanacliente ‐ enfermero/a para identificar y responder a la necesidad de ayuda,desarrollando la ...
Alcaraz Quevedo, Manuela(Universitat Politècnica de València, 2015-10-05)
[EN] Introduction: Mihsalud (Women, Children and Men constructing health) is a program of health promotion and social mobilization with gender targeting vulnerable populations, especially those from Latin America in the ...
Castelló Gómez, María Luisa; Cháfer Nácher, María Teresa; Conesa Domínguez, Claudia; Ortolá Ortolá, Mª Dolores(Editorial Universitat Politècnica de València, 2014-07-16)
[Otros] Nowadays, thanks to the new technologies, there are more tools available to
ease the lecturer¿s job as a guide for students in their process of learning. In
this context, the fullfilment of different assignments ...