[EN] Background: The traditional strategy to map QTL is to use linkage analysis employing a limited number of markers. These analyses report wide QTL confidence intervals, making very difficult to identify the gene and ...
Pérez Reyes, Paloma(Universitat Politècnica de València, 2018-01-02)
[EN] Illustration exhibition development about woman¿s body, fatness and body liberation movements and design of a catalogue which contains the author¿s artistic work. A number of works have been designed, the layout for ...
[EN] RNA-Seq technology is widely used in quantitative gene expression studies and identification of non-annotated transcripts. However this technology also can be used for polymorphism detection and RNA editing in transcribed ...
Urdiales Teruel, María(Universitat Politècnica de València, 2024-09-16)
[ES] El presente Trabajo de Final de Grado trata a través de la práctica artística el tema de la gordofobia, un fenómeno social que implica prejuicios, estigmatización y discriminación hacia las personas con sobrepeso u ...