González Calvo, Mar(Universitat Politècnica de València, 2022-11-14)
[ES] Este TFM forma en un proyecto más amplio que utilizará un enfoque de factores humanos para identificar las barreras y los facilitadores a los que se enfrentan los que experimentan inseguridad alimentaria en las ...
Macià Andreu, Guillermo(Universitat Politècnica de València, 2021-09-10)
[CA] El treball ha tingut com a objectiu desenvolupar un amplificador d’àudio classe D amb 4
eixides com a mínim, format per components que feren que el prototip tinguera un preu
assequible i una qualitat de so acceptable ...
[EN] Metamerism is a problem suffered by specialists in the field of photography and graphic arts. This
phenomenon causes two colors that are different cannot be correctly distinguished, could be for
various reasons, ...
Arias-Gonzalez, J. R.(American Institute of Physics, 2016-11-14)
[EN] Stochastic chains represent a key variety of phenomena in many branches of science within the context of information theory and thermodynamics. They are typically approached by a sequence of independent events or by ...