Martín, Sergio(Editorial Universitat Politècnica de València, 2022-01-10)
[EN] The filmic essay has long been subordinated as a distillation of other genres such as
documentaries or literature. Despite the fact that this has laid the foundations on which
to begin to analyze these formats, ...
Fornés Capdepon, Sara(Universitat Politècnica de València, 2020-12-30)
[ES] Este trabajo final de Máster aborda el fenómeno del turismo en el contexto actual desde el campo de la imagen. El turismo es una de las principales actividades económicas del mundo y su expansión implica cambios ...
Martín, Sergio(Editorial Universitat Politècnica de València, 2022-01-10)
[EN] Sturm der Bilder's proposal is a journey through the destructive gesture of the human
being towards images and, consequently, on their identity contexts. Traditionally,
iconoclastic phenomena are reduced to certain ...