[EN] In this note, we present a new subgroup embedding property that can be considered as an analogue of pronormality in the scope of permutability and Sylow permutability in finite groups. We prove that finite PST-groups, ...
In this note, global information about a finite group is obtained by assuming that certain subgroups of some given order are S-semipermutable. Recall that a subgroup H of a finite group G is said to be S-semipermutable if ...
Ballester Bolinches, Adolfo; Esteban Romero, Ramón; Ragland, Matthew F.(Walter de Gruyter, 2007-03)
[EN] A finite group G is said to be a PST-group if, for subgroups H and K of G with H Sylow-permutable in K and K Sylow-permutable in G, it is always the case that H is Sylow-permutable in G. A group G is a T*-group if, ...
We say that a subgroup H of a finite group G is solitary (respectively, normal solitary) when it is a subgroup (respectively, normal subgroup) of G such that no other subgroup (respectively, normal subgroup) of G is ...
[EN] It is shown in this paper that if X is a class of simple groups such that pi(X) = char X, the X-saturated formation H generated by a finite group cannot be expressed as the Gaschütz product F o G of two non-X-saturated ...
Ballester Bolinches, Adolfo; Esteban Romero, Ramón; Li, Yangming(Springer and Science China Press, 2012-05)
A subgroup H of a finite group G is a partial CAP-subgroup of G if there is a chief series of G such that H either covers or avoids every chief factor of the series. The structural impact of the partial cover and avoidance ...
We give a complete classification of the finite groups with a unique subgroup of order p for each prime p dividing its order. All the groups considered in this paper will be finite.
One of the most fruitful lines in the ...
[EN] Let p be a prime. The class of all p-soluble groups G such that every p-chief factor of G is cyclic and all p-chief factors of G are G-isomorphic is studied in this paper. Some results on T-, PT-, and
PST -groups are ...
Ballester-Bolinches, A; Beidleman, J. C.; Esteban Romero, Ramón; Ragland, M. F.(Cambridge University Press (CUP): STM Journals - No Cambridge Open, 2014-10)
A subgroup H of a finite group G is said to be S-semipermutable in G if H permutes with every Sylow q-subgroup of G for all primes q not dividing |H|. A finite group G is an MS-group if the maximal subgroups of all the ...
For a finite group G we define the graph $\Gamma(G)$ to be the graph whose vertices are the conjugacy classes of cyclic subgroups of G and two conjugacy classes $\{\mathcal {A}, \mathcal {B}\}$ are joined by an edge if for ...
Ballester-Bolinches, A.; Pedraza Aguilera, María Carmen(Cambridge University Press, 2018-02)
[EN] Kang and Liu ['On supersolvability of factorized finite groups', Bull. Math. Sci. 3 (2013), 205-210] investigate the structure of finite groups that are products of two supersoluble groups. The goal of this note is ...
Ballester-Bolinches, A.; Li, Y.; Pedraza Aguilera, María Carmen; Su, Ning(Springer-Verlag, 2020-02-22)
[EN] A subgroup H of a finite group G is called P-subnormal in G if either H = G or it is connected to G by a chain of subgroups of prime indices. In this paper, some structural results of finite groups which are factorised ...
[EN] Two subgroups A and B of a group G are cosubnormal if A and B are subnormal in their join <A,B> and are strongly cosubnormal if every subgroup of A is cosubnormal with every subgroup of B. We find necessary and ...
[EN] The solubility of a finite group with less than 6 non-supersoluble subgroups is confirmed in the paper. Moreover we prove that a finite insoluble group has exactly 6 non-supersoluble subgroups if and only if it is ...
[EN] A critical group for a class of groups X is a minimal non-X-group. The critical groups are determined for various classes of finite groups. As a consequence, a classification of the minimal non-nilpotent groups (also ...
A characterisation of finite soluble groups in which Sylow permutability is a transitive relation by means of subgroup embedding properties enjoyed by all the subgroups is proved in the paper. The key point is an extension ...
Ballester-Bolinches, A.; Li, Yangming; Pedraza Aguilera, María Carmen; Su, Ning(European Mathematical Society Publishing House, 2018-12-28)
[EN] The main purpose of this paper is to study mutually permutable products G = AB in which the subgroups of prime order p and cyclic of order 4 (if p = 2) of the largest normal subgroup of G contained in A boolean AND B ...