Transformative Innovation Policies (TIPs) assert that addressing the key challenges currently facing our societies requires profound changes in current socio-technical systems. To leverage such 'socio-technical ...
Fernández Fernández, Idoia; Orbe Mandaluniz, Susan(Universitat Politècnica de València, 2021-12-30)
[EN] Good university teachers are often associated with the quality of universities. However, the evaluation of teaching activity is technically complex and academic staff has difficulties to embrace the aims and purposes ...
[EN] The current health situation has led to a profound change towards the format in the framework of higher education. This change has implied an adaptation, often dysfunctional, of the evaluation processes. Recent research ...
Stake, Robert E.; Arbesú García, María Isabel; Contreras Pérez, Gloria(Universitat Politècnica de València, 2017-12-30)
[EN] Universities are complex organizations, made up of semi-autonomous sectors and even more autonomous faculty members. Tradition and rules push activities toward homogeneity. Still, most administrators, staffs and ...
[ES] La implantación de los nuevos Grados de Maestro en Educación Primaria y Educación Infantil se
presenta como una oportunidad que no debemos desaprovechar, para revisar aquellos aspectos
referidos a la evaluación del ...
Crespo Fernández, Eliecer(Universitat Politècnica de València, 2022-12-31)
[EN] In the complex process of assessing the degree of achievement of the competences and checking the learning results, scoring rubrics can provide a wide range of benefits, especially when it comes to subjective or complex ...
Salas Orozco, Evelyn Yojana; López Echavarría, Vanessa; Cuervo Montoya, Bibiana María(Editorial Universitat Politècnica de València, 2019-09-30)
[EN] Formative assessment is a powerful tool to improve the learning of science and
mathematics. The objective of this research is to highlight the importance of the use
of authentic tasks as a means of formative evaluation ...
Salas Vicente, Fidel; Vicente Escuder, Angel(Editorial Universitat Politècnica de València, 2021-06-04)
[ES] El diseño de los sistemas de evaluación formativa y sumativa es esencial para guiar a los alumnos hacia la consecución de los objetivos de aprendizaje planteados en la guía docente y evitar, junto con la motivación ...
Bosch Roig, María del Pilar; Lleonart García, Melani; Bosch Roig, Lucía; Madrid García, José Antonio(Editorial Universitat Politècnica de València, 2021-09-28)
[EN] The professional practice linked to the Bachelor’s Degree in Conservation and Restoration of Cultural Heritage, Bachelor’s Degree in Design and Creative Technologies and Bachelor’s Degree in Fine Arts, requires a ...
[EN] The focus of this work is the analysis of the assessment learning strategy of a Practicum
subject in an online environment. The combination of the rubric and feedback should ensure
that the assessment fulfills its ...