[EN] The purpose of this study is to create a learning tool that facilitates teamwork
and improves student learning capacity and autonomy. Two workbooks of
human anatomy for occupational therapists were created, since ...
Jimenez Arberas, Estíbaliz; Sánchez Menéndez, Marta María; Ruiz Fernández, Luisa(Editorial Universitat Politècnica de València, 2019-09-30)
[EN] The aim of this project is to introduce the students into the knowledge of the discapabilities
trough the cases studies related with two different subjects, Geriatrics and Osteoarticular
Pathologies and Autonomy and ...
Estelles Miguel, Sofia; Barberá Ribera, María Teresa; Albarracín Guillem, José Miguel; Palmer Gato, Marta Elena(Editorial Universitat Politècnica de València, 2014-07-16)
[EN] This paper focuses on exposing the educational innovation process that has
been launched in the 2013-2014 academic year in Services Business
Marketing belonging to the 5th degree course in the Faculty of Business
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