Rogers, L.; Jones, B. J. P.; Laing, A.; Pingulkar, S.; Smithers, B.; Woodruff, K.; Adams, C.; Álvarez-Puerta, Vicente; Arazi, L.; Arnquist, I. J.; Azevedo, C. D. R.; Bailey, K.; Ballester Merelo, Francisco José; Benlloch-Rodríguez, J. M.; Borges, F. I. G. M.; Esteve Bosch, Raul; Herrero Bosch, Vicente; Mora Mas, Francisco José; Rodriguez-Samaniego, Javier; Toledo Alarcón, José Francisco(IOP Publishing, 2020-07)
[EN] Xe-136 is used as the target medium for many experiments searching for 0 nu beta beta. Despite underground operation, cosmic muons that reach the laboratory can produce spallation neutrons causing activation of detector ...