Lafforgue, Guillaume; Tromas, Nicolas; Elena Fito, Santiago Fco; Zwart, Mark Peter(American Society for Microbiology, 2012)
[EN] In the clinic, farm, or field, for many viruses there is a high prevalence of mixed-genotype infections, indicating that multiple virions have initiated infection and that there can be multiple sites of primary infection ...
Zwart, Mark Peter; Daros Arnau, Jose Antonio; Elena Fito, Santiago Fco(American Society for Microbiology, 2012)
[EN] Effective population size (N-e) is a key parameter for understanding evolutionary processes, but it is generally not considered in epidemiological studies or in studying infections of individual hosts. Whether Ne has ...
Zwart, Mark Peter; Daros Arnau, Jose Antonio; Elena Fito, Santiago Fco(Public Library of Science, 2011)
[EN] Effective population size (N-e) determines the strength of genetic drift and the frequency of co-infection by multiple genotypes, making it a key factor in viral evolution. Experimental estimates of N-e for different ...