[EN] The aim of this experiment was to study the carcass traits of rabbits when the same maternal stocks were mated with bucks of two well-known hybrids selected for growth traits or with Pannon White bucks selected for ...
[EN] Drought and salinity are the most adverse environmental factors affecting crop productivity worldwide. The
increasing scarcity of fresh, high-quality irrigation water is forcing the use of alternative water ...
Plaza Esteve, Andreu(Universitat Politècnica de València, 2021-01-13)
[ES] El tomate (Solanum lycopersicum L.) es el cultivo de hortalizas más importante en las regiones mediterráneas. La mejora de la eficiencia del uso de nitrógeno por parte de las plantas se está volviendo esencial. Por ...
[EN] Climate change in the Mediterranean areas is increasing problems on droughts, water availability and salinization of irrigation water. These are probably some of the most limiting factors on farming, especially in ...