[EN] Accurate blood glucose (BG) forecasting is key in diabetes management, as it allows preventive actions to mitigate harmful hypoglycemic/hyperglycemic episodes. Considering the encouraging results obtained by seasonal ...
[EN] Accurate glucose prediction along a long-enough time horizon is a key component for technology to improve type 1 diabetes treatment. Subjects with diabetes might benefit from supervision and control systems that ...
[EN] Most advanced technologies for the treatment of type 1 diabetes, such as sensor-pump integrated systems or the artificial pancreas, require accurate glucose predictions on a given future time-horizon as a basis for ...
Cervigón, Carlos; Velasco, J. Manuel; Burgos-Simon, Clara; Villanueva Micó, Rafael Jacinto; Hidalgo, J. Ignacio(IEEE, 2021-07-01)
[EN] Type 1 Diabetes patients have to control their blood
glucose levels using insulin therapy. Numerous factors (such as
carbohydrate intake, physical activity, time of day, etc.) greatly
complicate this task. In this ...