Zayas Orihuela, Max(Universitat Politècnica de València, 2023-09-28)
[EN] Cities play a pivotal role in tackling climate change. They are accountable for more than 70% of
world CO2 emissions and consume around 65% of the world’s energy. If the world is to address
climate change, urban ...
López López, Miguel Ángel(Universitat Politècnica de València, 2021-02-08)
[ES] Centro de múltiples programas para servir al alumnado en la Universidad de Chicago. Integra diversos y complejos espacios dentro del campus de la universidad y la naturaleza que lo rodea.
[EN] The presence of green roofs in urban areas improves the energy efficiency of buildings; contributes to the capture of CO2, decreasing pollution; and improves the appearance of cities, increasing their sustainability. ...
Blat Pizarro, Juan Salvador; Vacas Sánchez, Sofía(Universitat Politècnica de València, 2019-02-21)
Se trata de un complejo de oficinas en el Cabanyal, en el que además de este uso principal, las oficinas, conviven otros usos de carácter más público como puede ser el gimnasio, la guardería, salón de actos, biblioteca, etc.
Medina Carrión, Miranda(Universitat Politècnica de València, 2020-01-20)
[ES] La construcción de cubiertas vegetales y su desarrollo no son de reciente creación, sin embargo, aumenta en estos últimos años el interés en este tipo de propuestas, debido a la importancia que tienen en aspectos ...
[EN] Studies on biodiversity on green roofs have been carried out in parallel to the degree to which these infrastructures have been implemented in different countries. There are no studies about biodiversity of fauna in ...
García Monfort, Gemma(Universitat Politècnica de València, 2017-12-15)
Green roofs, in spite of they have been used since antiquity, their sustainability and climate change improvements put them in the spotlight. In this study, we chose a dwelling built in the fifties, located in the city of ...
Peña Merino, Enrique(Universitat Politècnica de València, 2021-01-11)
[ES] Una cubierta vegetal se define como una cubierta de un edificio que está parcial o totalmente cubierto de vegetación para cumplir una función ecológica. Desde la década de 1960, el uso de cubiertas vegetales es frecuente ...
[EN] Different hydroclimatology researchers apply eigenvectors-based techniques to compress large volumes of information while preserving the invariant structure of the original data. This research developed a methodology ...
Faubel Marco, David(Universitat Politècnica de València, 2024-10-23)
[ES] En la actualidad cada vez cobra más importancia el desarrollo de una sociedad sostenible en la cual el ahorro energético, la reutilización de materiales y la falta de espacios verdes en las ciudades son factores que ...
Sánchez Bordes, Nicolás(Universitat Politècnica de València, 2024-09-09)
[EN] The combination of photovoltaic panels on green roofs is an approach that combines the
advantages of green architecture and on-site renewable energy generation. The positive
effect of a green roof on the increased ...
Elejabeitia Moreno, Alba(Universitat Politècnica de València, 2020-12-14)
[ES] La Residencia de pilotos Ricardo Tormo se compone de tres bloques en los que se realizan las diferentes actividades necesarias para la formación de pilotos de motos desde temprana edad; una residencia, un espacio ...
Yuste Zaballos, Laura(Universitat Politècnica de València, 2019-09-25)
[EN] This dissertation aims to study the possible application of sustainable drainage systems (SuDS) around Cathedral street.
The objective of this intervention is to minimise the use of conventional sewerage systems in ...
[EN] Rooftop gardens ona building have proved to be a good way to improve its storm water management, but many other benefits can be obtained from the installation of these systems, such as reduction of energy consumption, ...
[EN] This paper presents the performance of a number of sustainable drainage systems (SuDS)
in the city of Xàtiva in the Valencia Region of Spain relatively soon after their
construction. The systems studied comprise two ...
[EN] The green roofs appear as technology for the improvement water quality. This article identifies trends in the conditions of design, construction and operation of green roofs, which aim is to improve the quality of ...
[EN] Population increase and urban development over the last 20 years in Chile have outgrown most rainwater drainage and evacuation systems. Many cities located in the central region suffer from frequent floods in some of ...