The projected impact of climate change on groundwater recharge is a challenge in hydrogeological research because substantial doubts still remain, particularly in arid and semi-arid zones. We present a methodology to ...
[EN] The estimation of long-term average recharge is performed with the balance of atmospheric chloride deposition (BCl) and the soil water balance (BaS) applied in the Baix Ebre area (Southern Catalonia). It is a complex ...
Pool, S.; Francés, F.; Garcia-Prats, Alberto; Pulido-Velazquez, M.; Sanchis Ibor, Carles; Schirmer, M.; Yang, H.; Jiménez-Martínez, J.(John Wiley & Sons, 2021-05)
[EN] Agricultural irrigation is the major water consumer in the Mediterranean region. In response to the growing pressure on freshwater resources, more efficient irrigation technologies have been widely promoted. In this ...
[EN] The replacement of flood-irrigation systems by drip-irrigation technology has been widely promoted with the aim of a more sustainable use of freshwater resources in irrigated agriculture. However, evidence for an ...
Meléndez Saldaña, Diego Alonso(Universitat Politècnica de València, 2023-10-24)
[ES] El presente estudio tratará acerca de la estimación de la recarga en las masas de agua subterránea Requena-Utiel y Cabrillas-Malacara para lo cual se empleó el modelo hidrológico TETIS que es de tipo distribuido y se ...