The implementation of the Water Framework Directive implies the determination of an environmental flow (E-flow) in each running water body. In Spain, many of the minimum flow assessments were determined with the physical ...
Carrasco, L.; Vera, Pablo; Belda, E.J.; Monrós, J. S.(BioOne (Coastal Education and Research Foundation), 2017)
[EN] Coastal wetlands are highly dynamic changing ecosystems because of the effects of meteorology, wildlife interactions and human activities. They are one of the world's most threatened ecosystems, and threats to them ...
Vera, Pablo; Belda Pérez, Eduardo Jorge; Kvist, Laura; Encabo, S. Ignacio; Marín Villora, Marcial; Monrós González, Juan Salvador(Sociedad Española de Ornitología (SEO/BirdLife), 2014-06)
[EN] Given the 80% decline of the eastern Iberian reed bunting Emberiza schoeniclus
witherbyi breeding population in recent decades, our aim was to identify the habitat components
selected during territory establishment ...