Segura Melchor, Clara(Universitat Politècnica de València, 2023-10-16)
[ES] El desarrollo de herramientas analíticas sencillas que permitan autentificar el origen
geográfico de las mieles, actualmente, es una necesidad para el sector agroalimentario. En
concreto, para las mieles españolas, ...
López Luque, Iván(Universitat Politècnica de València, 2025-12-03)
[ES] Las expectantes y ambiciosas políticas adoptadas actualmente por las instituciones internacionales para lograr escenarios de Cero Emisiones Netas (NZE), con el fin de mitigar el cambio climático, han impulsado la ...
Sanza, F.J.; Holgado, M.; Ortega Higueruelo, Francisco José; Casquel Del Campo, Rafael; López-Romero, D.; Bañuls Polo, Mª José; Laguna, Mari Fe; Barrios, C.A.; Puchades Pla, Rosa; Maquieira Catala, Ángel(Elsevier, 2011)
[EN] In a previous work we introduced the term Bio-Photonic Sensing Cells (BICELLs), referred to periodic networks of nano-pillar suitable for biosensing when are vertically interrogated. In this article, we demonstrate ...
Aleixandre-Tudó, José Luis; Nieuwoudt, Helené; Aleixandre Benavent, José Luís; Du toit, Wessel(Elsevier, 2017)
[EN] The wine industry requires reliable methods for the quantification of phenolic compounds during the winemaking process. Infrared spectroscopy appears as a suitable technique for process control and monitoring. The ...
Sivera Gregori, Clemencia Liset(Universitat Politècnica de València, 2024-09-05)
[ES] España es un importante productor de miel, sin embargo, las importaciones procedentes de países extracomunitarios han ido en aumento en los últimos años. El problema surge cuando estas mieles se comercializan sin ...
García Ibáñez, Marian(Universitat Politècnica de València, 2021-01-28)
[ES] Tal y como la literatura científica viene demostrando, la composición y propiedades que adquiere una película pictórica durante su secado y envejecimiento está determinada no solo por las condiciones medioambientales ...
Wyngaard, Elizma van; Blancquaert, Erna; Nieuwouldt, Helene; Aleixandre Tudo, José(Frontiers Media SA, 2021-09-03)
[EN] The fourth agricultural revolution is leading us into a time of using data science as a tool to implement precision viticulture. Infrared spectroscopy provides the means for rapid and large-scale data collection to ...
[EN] This study aims to evaluate the effect of sugarcane juice and the addition of commercial yeast Saccharomyces cerevisiae var. bayanus (>= 1 x 1010 cfu/g) during the fermentation of coffee to the beverage's sensory ...
España Giner, José Manuel; García Sanoguera, David; Sánchez Nacher, Lourdes; López Martínez, Juan; Balart Gimeno, Rafael Antonio(Wiley-Blackwell, 2012-12)
[EN] In this study, atmospheric plasma treatment has been used to modify the wetting properties of ethylene-methacrylic acid sodium ionomer. The effects of the plasma treatment on surface properties of this ionomer have ...
Perales Rondón, Juan Victor; Ferre Vilaplana, Adolfo; Feliu, Juan; Herrero, Enrique(American Chemical Society, 2014-09-14)
In order to improve catalytic processes, elucidation of reaction mechanisms is essential. Here, supported by a combination of experimental and computational results, the oxidation mechanism of formic acid on Pt(111) ...
[EN] This work addresses the main topics related to the photopolymerization process to develop and to monitor the analytical signal derived from biorecognition assays. We review basic aspects of photopolymerization, together ...
[EN] Spectra obtained from fresh grapevine organs provide information on chemical composition but could also contain valuable information on the morphological and physical attributes. The prediction of grapevine organs ...
Martinez-Felipe, Alfonso; Imrie, Corrie Thomas; Ribes Greus, María Desamparados(Wiley, 2013-01-05)
The spectroscopic and thermal properties of swollen Nafion membranes in methanol aqueous mixtures were investigated
to understand the behavior of commercial electrolytes in the presence of polar solvents. Several differences ...
Balart Gimeno, Javier Francisco; Fombuena Borrás, Vicent; Boronat Vitoria, Teodomiro; Reig Pérez, Miguel Jorge; Balart Gimeno, Rafael Antonio(Springer Verlag (Germany), 2012-03)
Despite polypropylene is one of the most used commodity plastics, its adhesion properties are remarkably restricted by its non-polar nature which leads to low wetting properties and, consequently, poor adhesion behavior. ...
Lerma-García, María Jesús; Cortes-Lopez, Victoria; Talens Oliag, Pau; Barat Baviera, José Manuel(Elsevier, 2018)
[EN] Infrared (IR) spectroscopy followed by the employment of multivariate chemometric techniques has been widely used for foodstuffs and beverage authenticity and traceability. Among the different IR applications, variety ...