Resistance to malathion has been reported in field populations of the Mediterranean fruit fly, Ceratitis capitata (Wiedemann) (Diptera: Tephritidae), in areas of Spain where an intensive use of this insecticide was maintained ...
Gomis Vendrell, Eva María(Universitat Politècnica de València, 2023-11-27)
[ES] El contenido de este trabajo hace referencia al interés que ha suscitado la conservación de elementos culturales ligneos a lo largo de los siglos, transcrito y recogido en diferentes tratados y documentos. El objeto ...
Tamarit Ibáñez, David(Universitat Politècnica de València, 2016-09-15)
[ES] Existen numerosas plagas de la vid. Sin embargo, con frecuencia Lobesia botrana es la única que requiere intervenciones limitantes año tras año. Uno de los métodos de control de esta plaga es la gestión integrada. Con ...
The phosphorothioate structure is highly present in several organophosphorus pesticides. However, there is insufficient information about its degradation process after the release to the atmosphere and the secondary ...
Castillo López, María-Ángeles; Moya, Pilar; Cantin Sanz, Angel; Miranda Alonso, Miguel Ángel; Primo Millo, Jaime; Hernández, Enrique; Primo Yufera, Eduardo(American Chemical Society, 1999)
[EN] Organic extracts from mycelium and culture broth of 21 Penicillium isolates have been tested for insecticidal, insect anti-juvenile hormone (anti-JH), and antifungal activities. Culture broth extracts were the most ...
Chafer-Dolz, Beatriz; Cecilia-Canales, José María; Imbernón, Baldomero; Nuñez-Delicado, Estrella; Casaña-Giner, Victor; Cerón-Carrasco, Jose Pedro(The Royal Society of Chemistry, 2023-10-07)
[EN] Virtual screening (VS) procedures have been widely used to accelerate the drug discovery process. These procedures have also been implemented in other fields such as catalysts, energetic materials and more recently, ...
Cantin Sanz, Angel; Moya, P.; Miranda Alonso, Miguel Ángel; Primo Millo, Jaime; Primo Yufera, Eduardo(American Chemical Society, 1998)
[EN] Two new natural products have been isolated from culture broth of Penicillium brevicompactum Dierckx. The structures have be en assigned as N-(2-methyl-3-oxodecanoyl)pyrrole and N-(2-methyl-3-oxodec-8-enoyl)pyrrole ...
Cantin Sanz, Angel; López-Gresa, María Pilar; Gonzalez Más, Mª Carmen; Moya Sanz, Mª Del Pilar; Miranda Alonso, Miguel Ángel; Primo Millo, Jaime; Romero, Vanessa; Peris, Eva; Estornell, Ernesto(American Chemical Society, 2005)
[EN] The capacity of inhibition of the mammalian mitochondrial respiratory chain of brevioxime 5a, a natural insecticide compound isolated from Penicillium brevicompactum culture broth, and another 15 analogue compounds, ...
BACKGROUND: The tomato leafminer (Tuta absoluta Povolny) has rapidly colonised the whole Mediterranean and South-Atlantic coasts of Spain, and it has become a key problem in both outdoor and greenhouse crops. New control ...
Cantin Sanz, Angel; Moya Sanz, Mª del Pilar; Miranda Alonso, Miguel Ángel; Primo Millo, Jaime; Primo Yufera, Eduardo(ACS, 2000)
[EN] New analogues of the bioactive enamides isolated from P. brevicompactum (2 and 3) have been synthesized to improve the biological activities. Two different structural modifications have been introduced: substitution ...