Sellés Cantó, Miguel Ángel; Schmid, S. R.; Sanchez-Caballero, Samuel; Pérez Bernabeu, Elena; Reig Pérez, Miguel Jorge; Segui Llinares, Vicente Jesús(Trans Tech Publications, 2012)
An alternative to the traditional can manufacturing process is to use plastic laminated rolled steels as base stocks. This material consist of pre-heated steel coils that are sandwiched between one or two sheets of polymer. ...
Sellés Cantó, Miguel Ángel; Schmid, S.R.; Sanchez-Caballero, Samuel; Pérez Bernabeu, Elena; Reig Pérez, Miguel Jorge(Springer Verlag (Germany), 2012)
[EN] Global beverage can and food container consumption is very high, with billions of cans produced annually worldwide. There are several steps in can manufacturing, but ironing is the most crucial. In a previous work ...