Cejador Ambroj, Mª Ángeles(Editorial Universitat Politècnica de València, 2021-01-21)
[EN] At the end of World War II, International Exhibitions were held again, events that were key to changing
the image of the countries that participated in them. Spain that was beginning to re-emerge and was
eager to ...
Martín Domínguez, Nicolás(Editorial Universitat Politècnica de València, 2020-05-20)
José Antonio Corrales y Ramón Vázquez Molezún construyeron el Pabellón Español para la Exposición de Bruselas de 1957. Premiado en multitud de ocasiones, representaba la apertura de la arquitectura española hacia la ...
Martín Domínguez, Nicolás(Universitat Politècnica de València, 2020-04-30)
[EN] José Antonio Corrales planned four Colonization Villages between January 1954 and June 1956: Guadalimar, Vegas del Caudillo, Villafranco del Guadiana and Llanos del Sotillo. Corrales progressively built the shade in ...