Kuschnerus, Mieke; Lindenbergh, Roderik; de Vries, Sierd(Editorial Universitat Politècnica de València, 2023-01-27)
[EN] Coastal zones are highly dynamic, and their topography is subject to constant deformation. These deformations are governed by sediment transports that are forced by environmental conditions of waves, tides and wind ...
Albert, A.; Andre, M.; Anghinolfi, M.; Anton, G.; Ardid Ramírez, Miguel; Aubert, J.-J.; Aublin, J.; Avgitas, T.; Baret, B.; Barrios-Marti, J.; Basa, S.; Belhorma, B.; Bertin, V.; Biagi, S.; Bormuth, R.; Felis-Enguix, Iván; Martínez Mora, Juan Antonio; Saldaña-Coscollar, María(Springer-Verlag, 2018)
[EN] Cherenkov light induced by radioactive decay products is one of the major sources of background light for deep-sea neutrino telescopes such as ANTARES. These decays are at the same time a powerful calibration source. ...