Pardo Goicoechea, Enrique(Universitat Politècnica de València, 2016-10-26)
[EN] The aim of this thesis research is the study of fire behavior against one of the landmarks of the city of Valencia, La Lonja de Valencia, also known as the Silk Exchange buildings. Therefore, in this thesis a state ...
Samper Sosa, Albert; Herrera Gómez, Blas(Universitat Politècnica de València, 2021-11-19)
[EN] In several references we have found that the architect who built the Lonja of Valencia was inspired by the design of the Lonja of Mallorca. This is substantiated mainly by the fact that both buildings are in the same ...
[EN] This paper has a twofold purpose. First, to structure and relate a teaching experience on
the tutoring of a graduation work in Mathematics made in the University of Valencia.
The main property of the didactic purpose ...
Tort Ausina, Isabel(Universitat de València, 2012)
Reseña del libro "El Alfarje de la antigua Casa de la Ciudad. Técnico, histórico y de conservación en su nueva ubicación, la Lonja de Valencia" de Montserrat Martínez Valenzuela.
Capilla Tamborero, Esther(Dpto. de Arquitectura de la Escuela de Arquitectura de Alcalá de Henares / Fundación General de la Universidad de Alcalá de Henares, 2016)
[ES] Los perfiles de las bóvedas de crucería eran moldeados mediante plantillas o patrones, hechos de madera o metal, con el fin de facilitar la tarea del maestro albañil, de modo que pudieran ejecutar correctamente los ...