[EN] The catalytic performance of Fe-catalysts in selective catalytic reduction of nitrogen oxides with ammonia (NH3-SCR) strongly depends on the nature of iron sites. Therefore, we aimed to prepare and investigate the ...
Zeolites with MWW topology (MCM-22, ITQ-2, and MCM-36) exchanged with copper and iron were studied as catalysts for selective catalytic reduction of NO with ammonia. It was shown that delamination and pillaring of layered ...
Esteban-Barrera, Cristina; Velty, Alexandra; Díaz, Urbano(Royal Society of Chemistry, 2024-12-09)
[EN] The preparation of multi-component catalysts with tailored properties and high activity is essential for advancing sustainable catalytic processes and contributes to a healthy planet. In this study, we synthesised ...
[EN] MCM-22, MCM-36, and ITQ-2 zeolites with the intended Si/Al molar ratios of 15, 25, and 50 were synthetized and tested as catalysts for dehydration of methanol to dimethyl ether and dehydration of ethanol to diethyl ...
Tempelman, Christiaan H. L.; Portilla Ovejero, Mª Teresa; Martínez Armero, Marta Evelia; Mezari, Brahim; de Caluwe, Niek G. R.; Martínez, Cristina; Hensen, Emiel J. M.(Elsevier, 2016-01-15)
[EN] Nano-crystalline MCM-22 zeolite was synthesized in a one-pot procedure by the use of an organosilane (dimethyl-octadecyl-(3-trimethoxysilylpropyl)-ammonium chloride, TPOAC) in the zeolite synthesis gel. This crystal ...
Gallego Sánchez, Eva María(Universitat Politècnica de València, 2020-01-07)
[ES] Las zeolitas son materiales microporosos cristalinos formados por una red de tetraedros TO4 (T = Si, Al, Ti, ...) interconectados entre sí compartiendo átomos de oxígeno, que generan estructuras tridimensionales ...
[EN] We studied the influence of the ethanol used as a washing solvent for obtaining swollen and pillared MWW topology zeolites with long-range ordering of lamellar structure. The diffractogram results showed that the ...