Sanza, F. J.; Laguna, Mari Fé; Casquel Del Campo, Rafael; Holgado, M.; Angulo Barrios, Carlos; Ortega Higueruelo, Francisco José; López-Romero, D.; García-Ballesteros, J.J.; Bañuls Polo, Mª José; Maquieira Catala, Ángel; Puchades Pla, Rosa(Elsevier, 2011-04-01)
Cost-effective SU-8 micro-structures on a silicon substrate were developed using 248 nm excimer laser KrF projection, studying the influence of the different variables on the final pattern geometry, finding out that the ...
Currently, cell culture systems that include nanoscale topography are widely used in order to provide cells additional cues closer to the in vivo environment, seeking to mimic the natural extracellular matrix. Electrospinning ...