Such Aparicio, José Miguel; Alberola Oltra, Juan Miguel; Espinosa Minguet, Agustín Rafael; García-Fornes, Ana(Wiley, 2011-10)
Security is becoming a major concern in multiagent systems, since an agent's incorrect or inappropriate behaviour may cause non-desired effects, such as money and data loss. Some multiagent platforms (MAP) are now providing ...
Hernández Hormazábal, Jorge Esteban; Mula, Josefa; Poler, R.; Pavón, J.(Informatics and Control Publications, 2011-03)
Multiagent systems are inherently distributed and support well the modelling of organizational issues such as negotiation mechanisms and workflows. In this sense, a decentralized supply chain configuration process can be ...
González, Cesar L.; Zapotecatl, Jorge L.; Gershenson, Carlos; Alberola Oltra, Juan Miguel; Julian Inglada, Vicente Javier(Springer, 2020-11)
[EN] Nowadays, the development of autonomous vehicles has emerged as an approach to considerably improve the traffic management in urban zones. Thanks to automation in vehicles as well as in other sectors, the probability ...
Alberola Oltra, Juan Miguel; Such Aparicio, José Miguel; Botti, V.; Espinosa Minguet, Agustín Rafael; García-Fornes, A(ComSIS Consortium, 2013-01)
[EN] A new generation of open and dynamic systems requires execution frameworks that are capable of being efficient and scalable when large populations of agents are launched. These frameworks must provide efficient support ...
[EN] Next generation of smart grid technologies demand intelligent capabilities for communication, interaction, monitoring, storage, and energy transmission. Multiagent systems are envisioned to provide autonomic and ...
[EN] The purpose of this paper is to present the applicability of THOMAS, an architecture specially designed to model agent-based virtual organizations, in the development of a multiagent system for managing and planning ...
Multiagent systems are suitable for providing a framework that allows agents to perform collaborative processes in a social context. Furthermore, argumentation is a natural way of reaching agreements between several parties. ...
The manufacturing field is an area where the application of simulation is an essential tool for validating methods and architectures before applying them on the factory floor. Despite the fact that there are a great number ...
Pellicer Javier, Pablo(Universitat Politècnica de València, 2015-07-27)
[EN] Implementation of a learning mechanism for a multiagent organization in order to enable the evaluation of the chosen adaptations with the goal of maximizing system utility by means of taking into account previous ...
[EN] In the last few years, we witnessed a growing body of literature about automated negotiation. Mainly, negotiating agents are either purely self-driven by maximizing their utility function or by assuming a cooperative ...
Sánchez Anguix, Víctor(Universitat Politècnica de València, 2013-02-15)
Los sistemas multi-agente (SMA) son sistemas distribuidos donde entidades autónomas llamadas
agentes, ya sean humanos o software, persiguen sus propios objetivos. El paradigma de SMA ha
sido propuesto como la aproximación ...
Bordons, C.; Garcia-Torres, F.; Ridao, M.A.(Universitat Politècnica de València, 2020-07-01)
[ES] La microrred como elemento agregador de fuentes de generación, cargas y sistemas de almacenamiento de energía aparece como tecnología clave para dotar a los sistemas eléctricos de suficiente flexibilidad para una ...
Blasco Peiró, Andrea(Universitat Politècnica de València, 2017-10-16)
[ES] La finalidad de este proyecto es la creación de una herramienta diseñada para poder
simular el comportamiento de una flota de vehículos, en la que se pueden probar
distintas estrategias de coordinación en diferentes ...
Billhardt, Holger; Fernández, Alberto; Lujak, Marin; Ossowski, Sascha; Julian, Vicente; De Paz, Juan F.; Hernandez, Josefa Z.(IOS Press, 2017)
[EN] Nowadays, vehicles of modern fleets are endowed with advanced devices that allow the operators of a control center to have global knowledge about fleet status, including existing incidents. Fleet management systems ...
Garcia Marques, Mª Emilia(Universitat Politècnica de València, 2013-05-06)
Actualmente existe una creciente demanda de sistemas flexibles, adaptables y con gran escalabilidad para apoyar las interacciones de personas e instituciones distribuidas en entornos heterogéneos. Esto se debe principalmente ...
Fuenmayor Quiles, Sergio de(Universitat Politècnica de València, 2024-10-22)
[ES] Durante la última década, la inteligencia artificial está siendo el tema del que más se habla a nivel mundial. Es una herramienta que a medida que avanzamos más y más, estamos logrando objetivos que antaño se imaginaban ...
Navarro Osma, Raúl(Universitat Politècnica de València, 2023-10-04)
[ES] En este trabajo se analiza la versión actual de pyGOMAS, un juego basado en agentes
inteligentes utilizando SPADE y desarrollado en Python. Se propone la implementación de una
nueva versión que proporcione a los ...
[EN] Multiagent systems (MASs) courses are nowadays present in most master's degrees in Artificial Intelligence. In such courses, students have to cope with the gap between some high-level theoretical concepts and techniques ...
In order for multiagent systems to be included in real domains (media and Internet, logistics, e-commerce, and health care), infrastructures and tools for multiagent systems should provide efficiency, scalability, security, ...
Martínez Gutíerrez, Miguel Arturo(Universitat Politècnica de València, 2021-10-04)
[ES] El presente proyecto consiste en la realización de un juego de estrategia en tiempo real que le permite al jugador construir estructuras, recolectar recursos y entrenar unidades para la
posterior defensa de su base ...