Jarque Durán, Marta(Universitat Politècnica de València, 2017-02-15)
[EN] This study analyses the effect of crossbreeding between Murciano-Granadina goats and Boer bucks on females’ reproductive traits and growth traits and carcass characteristics of Murciano-Granadina (MG) purebred kids ...
Méndez Morales, Paola Milena(Universitat Politècnica de València, 2017-02-02)
[EN] Early studies developed at l'Institut de Ciencia i Animal Technology (ICTA) of the Polytechnic University of Valencia (UPV) showed enough differences between the Murciano-Grenadians kids (MG) pure and crossed Boer ...
[EN] Usually, goat dairy farms have a major problem with the kids they produce for sale, due to their low average daily gain, high feed conversion ratio and poor body conformation, which leads to poor profitability. This ...
Ibáñez-Sanchis, Carla; Criscioni-Ferreira, Patricia Fabiola; Arriaga, H.; Merino, Pilar; Espinos Gutierrez, Francisco Juan; Fernández Martínez, Carlos Javier(Public Library of Science, 2016)
[ES] El objetivo de este trabajo fue estudiar los efectos de la sustitución de grano de cebada en la
dieta por pulpa de naranja o vainas de soja en el balance de nitrógeno y carbono, las
emisiones de ...
Resta Castello, David(Universitat Politècnica de València, 2021-03-31)
[CA] El treball de fi de grau que es presenta s’estudia el disseny i la implantació d’una granja
de 1500 cabres lleteres de la raça Murciano-Granadina a una parcel·la del terme
municipal de Foios (València. A la parcel·la ...
[EN] The Murciano-Granadina is one of the main goat breeds dedicated to milk production worldwide. However, kids of this breed are born with low birth weight and do not grow rapidly, so farmers have little interest in ...
[EN] In Murciano-Granadina-breed dairy goat farms, meat production from purebred kids is not very profitable due to its high costs, so it is proposed to cross unused dairy females to produce a replacement for the herd with ...