Periñán Pascual, José Carlos; Arcas Túnez, Francisco(Sociedad Española para el Procesamiento del Lenguaje Natural (SEPLN), 2008)
[EN] Unlike most current NLP knowledge bases, where the lexicalist approach prevails, FunGramKB is ontology-oriented, since the ontology plays a pivotal role between the lexical and the cognitive levels. The objective of ...
Periñán Pascual, José Carlos; Mairal Usón, Ricardo(Sociedad Española para el Procesamiento del Lenguaje Natural (SEPLN), 2009)
[EN] Role and Reference Grammar is a functional theory of language which allows an
input text to be represented in terms of its logical structure. In order to go beyond the core
grammar, the Lexical Constructional Model, ...
Periñán Pascual, José Carlos(John Benjamins Publishing, 2012)
It has been widely demonstrated that expectation-based schemata, along the lines of Lakoff's propositional Idealized Cognitive Models, play a crucial role in text comprehension. Discourse inferences are grounded on the ...
Song, Chenchen(Universitat Politècnica de València, 2024-11-15)
[EN] Lexical disambiguation is one of the oldest problems in natural language processing. There are three main types of lexical ambiguity: part-of-speech ambiguity, homonymy, and polysemy, typically divided into two tasks ...