[EN] The transmission rate in current passive optical networks can be increased by employing Orthogonal Frequency Division Multiplexing (OFDM) modulation. The computational kernel of this modulation is the fast Fourier ...
Bruno, Julián Santiago; Almenar Terré, Vicenç; Valls Coquillat, Javier; Corral, Juan L.(Institute of Electrical and Electronics Engineers (IEEE)Optical Society of America, 2015-11)
In this paper a low-complexity time synchronization algorithm for optical orthogonal frequency division multiplexing (OFDM) is proposed. The algorithm is based on a repetitive preamble that allows the use of a short cross ...
[EN] This paper presents the hardware architecture of an OFDM receiver suitable for optical communications. The receiver has been implemented in an FPGA device and used to demonstrate experimentally an optical OFDM ...
Sánchez Costa, Christian(Universitat Politècnica de València, 2013-06-18)
[ES] Se propone el empleo de una modulación de fase óptica para mejorar las prestacíones de un sistema óptico OOFDM. Utilizando un modelo óptico de un sistema OOFDM programado en Matlab/VPI, se demuestra la mejora en ...