Bas, María del Carmen; Lerma-García, María Jesús; Matarredona Desantes, Nuria; Oltra Badenes, Raúl Francisco; Pérez-Esteve, Édgar; Silvestre Cerdà, Joan Albert(IATED, 2019-07-03)
[EN] The "Effective oral communication" is one of the most demanded student outcomes in the workplace, since being a good communicator is essential in any field. Inefficient communication can lead to misinterpretations and ...
Silvestre Cerdà, Joan Albert; Martínez, Beatriz; Bas, María del Carmen; Lerma-García, María Jesús; Matarredona Desantes, Nuria; Oltra Badenes, Raúl Francisco; Pérez-Esteve, Édgar(IATED, 2019-03-13)
[EN] Effective oral communication is one of the most demanded student outcomes in the labour market,
especially for degree students on International Business. Although this outcome is usually evaluated in
several subjects ...
Pérez-Esteve, Édgar; Silvestre Cerdà, Joan Albert; Bas, María del Carmen; Lerma-García, María Jesús; Matarredona Desantes, Nuria; Oltra Badenes, Raúl Francisco(IATED, 2019-07-03)
[EN] During academic course 2017-2018 the Comunica't methodology was created to help students to self-learn all the skills needed to master the areas of domain of the general student outcome effective oral communication. ...
Guerola-Navarro, Vicente; Oltra Badenes, Raúl Francisco; Gil Gómez, Hermenegildo(IATED, 2019-11-13)
[EN] Given that the Effective Oral Communication is a fundamental transversal competence for the personal
and professional development of any student whose objective is to develop their professional future
within a Company, ...
Ruiz de Azcárate López, Miguel(Universitat Politècnica de València, 2024-10-15)
[ES] La utilización de tecnologías de la información y la comunicación hoy en día es esencial a la hora de aprender un idioma, y su uso no hace más que aumentar con la constante incorporación de nuevas ideas, metodologías ...
Wang, Yiran(Universitat Politècnica de València, 2021-09-17)
[ES] Con el modelo de comunidad global y la continua ampliación de los intercambios entre China y los países hispanohablantes en los últimos años, el Español como Lengua Extranjera (ELE) es cada vez más importante en China. ...
Castillo-Scott, Aurora(Universitat Politècnica de València, 2015-03-30)
[EN] This paper describes a TeleTandem language exchange project between English speaking Spanish students at Georgia College, USA, and Spanish speaking English students at Universidad de Concepción, Chile. The aim of the ...
Oltra Badenes, Raúl Francisco; Pérez-Esteve, Édgar; Silvestre Cerdà, Joan Albert; Bas Cerdá, María Del Carmen; Lerma-García, María Jesús; Matarredona Desantes, Nuria(International Association of Technology, Education and Development, 2018)
[EN] Since the breakthrough of student outcomes in the university environment, "Effective Communication"
is one of the most studied in Bachelor's degrees and Master's subjects. An inefficient communication
can lead to ...
[EN] The main goal of the present study is to analyze the satisfaction level of the students from the master
degree "Food Safety and Quality Management" with the "ComunicaT" methodology, which was applied
to improve the ...
Bas Cerdá, María Del Carmen; Lerma-García, María Jesús; Matarredona Desantes, Nuria; Oltra Badenes, Raúl Francisco; Pérez-Esteve, Édgar; Silvestre Cerdà, Joan Albert(IATED, International Association of Technology, Education and Development, 2018)
[EN] PIMECOE is an Innovation and Educational Improvement Project that aims to work on the student
outcome "Effective Communication". Its main objective is to design a methodology that promotes the
autonomous improvement ...
Silvestre Cerdà, Joan Albert; Bas Cerdá, María Del Carmen; Lerma-García, María Jesús; Matarredona Desantes, Nuria; Oltra Badenes, Raúl Francisco; Pérez-Esteve, Édgar(IATED, International Association of Technology, Education and Development, 2018)
[EN] PIMECOE, an innovation and educational improvement project, is researching and developing a novel self-formative methodology for the improvement of the mastery level of the student outcome "effective communication", ...
López Navarrete, Alberto Jesús(Universitat Politècnica de València, 2024-02-19)
[ES] La COVID-19 ha acelerado el proceso de adaptación al trabajo telemático donde el entorno académico también ha sufrido cambios. La comunidad investigadora ha normalizado la participación en congresos a través del ...