[EN] The availability and affordability of consumer virtual reality (VR) devices have fueled their adoption during the product design process. High fidelity virtual prototypes can be created more quickly and are more ...
[ES] El auge del comercio electrónico ha favorecido el uso de la imagen y la realidad virtual como
medio preferido por muchas empresas para presentar sus productos, desplazando a otros
formatos de presentación más ...
[EN] This research aimed to analyse the influence of presentation means in assessing different household product characteristics and to study the influence of physical contact with the product on that assessment. To this ...
Felip, Francisco; Galán, Julia; Contero, M.; García-García, Carlos(MDPI AG, 2023)
[EN] Nowadays, the presentation of products through virtual reality and other online media coexists with traditional means. However, while some products may be perceived correctly in digital media, others may need physical ...