López Hernández, Óscar Erick(Universitat Politècnica de València, 2018-10-05)
[ES] Los materiales de cambio de fase (PCM) son muy útiles en muchos campos gracias a su capacidad para absorber y liberar energía térmica cuando es necesario. En este trabajo nos enfocamos en desarrollar Materiales de ...
Badía Valiente, José David; Santonja Blasco, Laura; Martinez-Felipe, Alfonso; Ribes Greus, María Desamparados(Elsevier, 2012-05)
The energetic valorization process of bio-based polymers is addressed in this study, taking polylactide (PLA) as model. The pyrolysis of virgin and multiple-injected PLA was simulated by means of multi-rate linear-non-isothermal ...
Badia, J.D.; Strömberg, Emma Marie; Ribes Greus, María Desamparados; Karlsson, Sigbritt(Elsevier, 2011)
[EN] Multiple processing by means of successive injection cycles was used to simulate the thermo-mechanical degradation effects on the oligomeric distribution of PLA under mechanical recycling. Likewise, an accelerated ...
Badía Valiente, José David(Universitat Politècnica de València, 2016-02-15)
In the present study, the general aim is to assess the MALDI-TOF MS sample preparation procedure, in order to characterize the thermo-mecanical degradation mechanisms of two polyesters used in the packaging industry: the ...
Piazzolla, Caterina(Universitat Politècnica de València, 2021-10-21)
[ES] En el marco actual para el desarrollo de alternativas ecológicas a los recursos convencionales, la polilactida (PLA) es un candidato destacado. PLA es un poliéster biodegradable biobasado derivado del ácido láctico. ...
Gil Castell, Óscar; Badía Valiente, José David; Kittikorn, T.; Stromberg, E.; Martinez-Felipe, Alfonso; Ek, M.; Karlsson, S.; Ribes Greus, María Desamparados(Elsevier, 2014-10)
An accelerated hydrothermal degrading test was designed in order to analyse the synergic effect of water and temperature on PLA/sisal biocomposites with and without coupling agent. As well, the physicochemical properties ...
[EN] The influence of an accelerated hygrothermal ageing simulation test on a commercial PLA and its three
subsequent mechanically-reprocessed materials was studied. The analysis was focused on the water
diffusion kinetics ...
Gil Castell, Óscar; Badía Valiente, José David; Kittikorn, T.; Strömberg, E.; Ek, Martina; Karlsson, S.; Ribes Greus, María Desamparados(Elsevier, 2016-10)
The influence of the combined exposure to water and temperature on the behaviour of polylactide/sisal biocomposites coupled with maleic acid anhydride was assessed through accelerated hydrothermal ageing. The biocomposites ...
[EN] This paper reports the effects of multiple mechanical recycling on the structure and properties of amorphous polylactide (PLA). The influence of the thermo-mechanical degradation induced by means of five successive ...
[EN] The upcoming introduction of polylactides in the fractions of polymer waste encourages technologists to ascertain its valorization at the best quality conditions. Mechanical recycling of PLA represents one of the most ...
Miranda Pinzón, Mario Nicolás(Universitat Politècnica de València, 2024-09-06)
[ES] El presente trabajo se ha centrado en la obtención y el estudio de las propiedades de
ácido poliláctico producido mediante la polimerización por apertura de anillo (ROP )
asistida por extrusión reactiva (REX). El ...
[EN] Self-reinforced polymer composites (SRCs) are proposed as a suitable alternative for composite development, based in the combination of a polymeric matrix and a polymeric fibre made of the same polymer. SRCs based in ...
[EN] The eco-design considers the factors to prepare biocomposites under an end-of-life scenario. PLA/sisal biocomposites were obtained from amorphous polylactide and sisal loadings of 10, 20 and 30 wt% with and without ...
Badía Valiente, José David; Santonja Blasco, Laura; Martinez-Felipe, Alfonso; Ribes Greus, María Desamparados(Elsevier, 2012-06)
The combustion process of virgin and reprocessed polylactide (PLA) was simulated by multi-rate linear
non-isothermal thermogravimetric experiments under O2. A complete methodology that accounted on
the thermal stability ...
[EN] A blending strategy of virgin and reprocessed polylactide may be postulated as an alternative to reduce the material cost at industrial level, and as a valorisation route to plastic waste management of production ...
[EN] An accelerated soil burial test has been performed on a commercial polylactide (PLA) for simulating non-controlled disposal. Degradation in soil promotes physical and chemical changes in polylactide properties, which ...
[EN] The thermal stability and decomposition kinetics of PLA/sisal biocomposites was discussed to evaluate the suitability of their use in energy recovery processes such as pyrolysis and combustion. The influence of the ...