In some animal populations, immigrants have lower survival than philopatric individuals. Costs of dispersal or low phenotypic quality of dispersers may explain the pattern. However, apparent adult survival estimates, which ...
Alama-Sabater, L.; Budi, V.; Roig-Tierno, Norat; García Alvarez-Coque, José María(Elsevier, 2021-07)
[EN] There is a growing consensus on the need to propose specific policies to tackle the ongoing population decline in extensive rural areas of Southern Europe. Developing policies to target this issue requires assessment ...
Souli, Mounira; Boughalleb, Naima; Abad Campos, María Paloma; Álvarez, Luis Armando; Pérez Sierra, Ana María; Armengol Fortí, Josep; García Jiménez, José(Wiley-Blackwell, 2011-05)
Pythium indigoferae and Pythium irregulare, identified based on morphological and physiological characteristics, were isolated from necrotic roots, crown tissues and the rhizosphere of apple trees in Tunisia from 23 apple ...