[EN] Structural optimization is normally carried out by means of conventional heuristic optimization due to the complexity of the structural problems. However, the conventional heuristic optimization still consumes a large ...
[EN] This paper deals with optimizing embedded carbon dioxide (CO2) emissions using surrogate modeling, whether it is the deck of a post-tensioned cast-in-place concrete slab bridge or any other design structure. The main ...
[EN] In bridge design, many variables like material grades, cross-sectional dimensions, passive and prestressing steel need to be modeled to evaluate structural performance. Efficiency gains are intended while satisfying ...
Cámara Pérez, Alexandre(Universitat Politècnica de València, 2020-09-18)
[ES] Se abordará el diseño de un puente tipo losa de hormigón postesado, que ya ha sido proyectado por la empresa IDOM adoptando la solución de vigas prefabricadas. En el caso de este TFM, el puente se resolverá con una ...
García Segura, Tatiana(Universitat Politècnica de València, 2016-11-03)
[EN] Bridges, as an important component of infrastructure, are expected to meet all the requirements for a modern society. Traditionally, the primary aim in bridge design has been to achieve the lowest cost while guaranteeing ...
Fenollosa Forner, Ernesto Jesús; Cabrera Fausto, Ivan; Llopis-Pulido, Veronica(Departmento de Publicaciones del CSIC, 2023-06)
[ES] Ricardo Barredo de Valenzuela fue una figura clave en el desarrollo tecnológico de la construcción en España en la primera mitad del siglo XX. Dirigido por Eduardo Torroja, desarrolló un método de postesado de estructuras ...
Arnau Paltor, Fernando Amadeo(Universitat Politècnica de València, 2021-10-13)
[ES] Las láminas de hormigón armado utilizan principalmente su forma como meca-nismo resistente. Son estructuras extremadamente eficientes y bellas. El desarrollo de este tipo de estructuras se inicia en torno a los años ...
This paper aims to find sustainable designs of post-tensioned concrete box-girder pedestrian bridges. A hybrid harmony search algorithm combining threshold optimization is used to find the geometry and the materials for ...
García Segura, Tatiana; Yepes, V.; Frangopol, D.M.; Yang, D.Y.(Elsevier, 2017)
[EN] This paper presents a lifetime reliability-based approach for the optimization of post-tensioned concrete box-girder bridges under corrosion attack. The proposed approach is illustrated by determining the optimal ...
García Segura, Tatiana; Yepes, V.(Elsevier, 2016-10)
This paper presents a multiobjective optimization of post-tensioned concrete road bridges in terms of cost, CO2 emissions, and overall safety factor. A computer tool links the optimization modulus with a set of modules for ...
[EN] This paper deals with the economic optimization of high-performance post-tensioned concrete box-girder pedestrian bridges. To this end, a program analyzes and evaluates the structural restrictions following Spanish ...
[EN] This paper presents a study of the parametric variability of post-tensioned concrete box-girder pedestrian bridges. SAMO2 algorithm is used for the parametric study. This algorithm combines SA with a mutation operator, ...
Sapena Bondía, David(Universitat Politècnica de València, 2018-07-18)
[ES] El edificio del Teatro Municipal de Torrevieja, proyectado por Alejandro Zaera y Antonio Marquerie en 2006 con un diseño rompedor, es un referente de arquitectura contemporánea presente para muchos y estuvo expuesto ...
[EN] In recent years, there is a trend toward the construction of sustainable structures. The goal of sustainability in structures involves several criteria that are normally opposed, leading to a decision-making process. ...
[EN] The design of a structure is generally carried out according to a deterministic approach. However, all structural problems have associated initial uncertain parameters that can differ from the design value. This becomes ...