Alcaina-Acosta, José Joaquín; Cuenca, Ángel; Salt Llobregat, Julián José; Casanova Calvo, Vicente; Pizá, Ricardo(Elsevier, 2019-05)
[EN] In this paper, a novel delay-independent control structure for a networked control system (NCS) is proposed, where packet-based control strategies with predictor-based and dual-rate control techniques are integrated. ...
González Sorribes, Antonio; Cuenca Lacruz, Ángel Miguel; Balaguer Garín, Vicente; García Gil, Pedro José(Elsevier, 2019-07)
[EN] This paper investigates the stabilization of Networked Control Systems (NCS) with mismatched disturbances through a novel Event-Triggered Control (ETC), composed of a predictor-feedback scheme and a gain-scheduled ...
González Sorribes, Antonio; Balaguer Garín, Vicente; García Gil, Pedro José; Cuenca, Ángel(Elsevier, 2019-01)
[EN] In this paper, a novel control scheme for systems with input and output time-varying delays is provided in discrete-time domain. The control strategy combines predictor-like techniques with a delay-dependent gain-scheduled ...
González Sorribes, Antonio; García Gil, Pedro José(Elsevier, 2021-07)
[EN] This paper investigates the robust stabilization of discrete-time systems with time-varying input delays and model uncertainties by predictor-based anti-disturbance output-feedback control strategies. Here, a novel ...