Torreño Lerma, Alejandro; Onaindia de la Rivaherrera, Eva; Komenda, Antonín; tolba, Michal(Association for Computing Machinery, 2017)
[EN] Cooperative multi-agent planning (MAP) is a relatively recent research field that combines technologies,
algorithms, and techniques developed by the Artificial Intelligence Planning and Multi-Agent Systems communities.
While ...
Blanquer Espert, Ignacio; Alberich-Bayarri, Ángel; García-Castro, Fabio; Teodoro, George; Meirelles, André; Nascimento, Bruno; Meira Jr., Wagner; Ribeiro, Antonio L. P.(ScitePress, 2019-05-04)
[EN] This paper describes the development of applications in the frame of the ATMOSPHERE platform. ATMOSPHERE provides means for developing container-based applications over a federated cloud offering measurin he trustworthiness ...