Palés Chaveli, Susana(Universitat Politècnica de València, 2020-12-31)
[EN] The relationship between the cinematographic image and the off-screen has been close and full of possibilities since the birth of cinema. In painting, however, this relationship is much more complicated, showing a ...
Peris Medina, Mercedes Consuelo(Universitat Politècnica de València, 2016-01-25)
[EN] The flight of the flying human figure must be situated, because of its abundance and dynamic particularities, in the art of the Modern Age, especially in the Italian art. In a context in which modern physics are calling ...
Fernández Gómez, Margarita; Melgarejo Belenguer, María Purificación; Ballester Bordes, Mª José; Marcenac, Valeria(Instituto Universitario de Restauración del Patrimonio de la UPV, 2006)
El argumento de este trabajo es que la epigrafía romana deslumbró a los artistas del Quattrocento y de forma especial a aquellos interesados en elaborar un alfabeto. Centrándonos en la columna de Trajano y sobre todo la ...