Barrios Ruiz, Gabriela; Ambròs Pallarès, María Alba(Universitat Politècnica de València, 2023-06-30)
[EN] The Chilean educational system does not correctly work or evaluate the ability of literary creative writing. Since its curricular bases (2017) do not include learning objectives for this subject in most secondary ...
Montoya del Corte, Javier; Palazuelos Cobo, Estefanía; Fernández Laviada, Ana; San Martín Espina, Paula(Editorial Universitat Politècnica de València, 2015-07-10)
[EN] In this paper the application of Project-Oriented Learning (POL) on the
subject of "Auditing" of 4th year of the Degree in Business Administration is
addressed. The project attended by the 147 participating students ...
Valverde Berrocoso, Jesús; Ciudad Gómez, Adelaida(Universitat Politècnica de València, 2014-05-10)
[ES] La evaluación es un elemento curricular
que ha experimentado una importante
transformación en la Educación Superior
como consecuencia de diferentes procesos de reforma educativa. La investigación educativa ha sido ...
Ruiz Font, Leonor; Gordo Monzó, Maria Luz; Fernández Diego, Marta; Boza, Andres; Cuenca, L.; Alarcón Valero, Faustino; Alemany Díaz, María del Mar(Editorial Universitat Politècnica de València, 2015-07-10)
[EN] The research evidence that there are teaching practices that encourage greater student
participation, resulting in a motivating work that encourages creative and innovative
thinking, which enhances their autonomy ...