Real Sáez, Jorge Vicente; Sáez Barona, Sergio; Crespo, Alfons(Elsevier, 2019-12)
[EN] This paper proposes an architecture for combining the execution of time- and event-triggered real-time task sets. This makes it possible for the designer to choose the most appropriate mechanism depending on the role ...
García-Magariño, Iván; Nasralla, Moustafa M.; Lloret, Jaime(Institute of Electrical and Electronics Engineers, 2021-02)
[EN] The upcoming avenue of IoT, with its massive generated data, makes it really hard to train centralized systems with machine learning in real time. This problem can be addressed with learning-based edge computing systems ...
Furió Novejarque, Clara; Feliu-Pérez, Josué; Petit Martí, Salvador Vicente; Duro-Gómez, José; Sahuquillo Borrás, Julio(IEEE Computer Society, 2018-07-16)
[EN] Real-time tasks have experience a significant complexity increase in the last years. We can find examples of real-time tasks in nowadays systems that control self-driving cars or multimedia systems, among others. To ...
Azketa, Ekain; Gutiérrez, J. Javier; Di Natale, Marco; Almeida, Luís; Marcos, Marga(Universitat Politècnica de València, 2013-07-09)
[ES] El despliegue y la planificación de tareas y mensajes en sistemas de tiempo real distribuidos son problemas NP-difíciles (NP- hard), por lo que no existen métodos óptimos para solucionarlos en tiempo polinómico. En ...
Balbastre Betoret, Patricia; Lluesma, Manuel; Ripoll Ripoll, José Ismael(Universitat Politècnica de València, 2010-09-27)
[ES] Existe una separación entre la fase de diseño del regulador y su implementación en el computador de forma que, cada fase asume simplificaciones sobre la otra fase, lo cual lleva a un comportamiento inesperado o ...
Salcedo González, Mayra Liliana(Universitat Politècnica de València, 2023-04-03)
[ES] La presente tesis doctoral propone la arquitectura de un sistema de Geo-visualización Espaciotemporal de actividad delictiva y criminal, para ser aplicada a Sistemas de Comando y Control (C2S) específicamente dentro ...
Real Sáez, Jorge Vicente; Sáez Barona, Sergio; Crespo, Alfons(Springer, 2016)
Time-triggered and concurrent priority-based scheduling are
the two major approaches in use for real-time and embedded systems.
Both approaches have their own advantages and drawbacks. On the one
hand, priority-based ...
[EN] Control flow monitoring using a watchdog processor is a well-known technique to increase the dependability of a microprocessor system. Most approaches embed reference signatures for the watchdog processor into the ...
Picornell Sanjuan, Tomás(Universitat Politècnica de València, 2021-11-22)
[ES] La constante necesidad de un mayor rendimiento para cumplir con la gran demanda de potencia de cómputo de las nuevas aplicaciones, (ej. sistemas de conducción autónoma), obliga a la industria a apostar por la tecnología ...
[EN] A Fuzzy Resource Manager (RM) to compensate communication loads in real-time systems is presented. The design is based on a new model of a Constant Bandwidth Server (CBS), which is responsible for assigning time slots ...
Berna Ferri, Andreu(Universitat Politècnica de València, 2011-07-22)
En esta tesina, se presenta una nueva plataforma de tiempo real para el desarrollo y validación de algoritmos de control de vehículos aéreos no tripulados. Se dispone de dos plataformas un quad-rotor fijo sobre un eje y ...
Lacalle Úbeda, Ignacio(Universitat Politècnica de València, 2022-12-12)
[ES] El Internet de las Cosas (IoT) ha experimentado un gran crecimiento en los últimos años. El incremento en el número de dispositivos, una mayor miniaturización de la capacidad de computación y las técnicas de virtualización, ...
Picornell-Sanjuan, Tomás; Flich Cardo, José; Hernández Luz, Carles; Duato Marín, José Francisco(Institute of Electrical and Electronics Engineers, 2021-02-01)
[EN] The ever need for higher performance forces industry to include technology based on multi-processors system on chip (MPSoCs) in their safety-critical embedded systems. MPSoCs include a network-on-chip (NoC) to ...
Furió Novejarque, Clara(Universitat Politècnica de València, 2018-01-08)
Real-time systems support a high variety of applications with hard real-time (HRT) constraints or soft (i.e. non-strict) real-time (SRT) constraints. Systems observing HRT constraints must guarantee execution time ...
Picornell-Sanjuan, Tomás; Flich Cardo, José; Duato Marín, José Francisco; Hernández Luz, Carles(Institute of Electrical and Electronics Engineers, 2020)
[EN] The need for increasing the performance of critical real-time embedded systems pushes the industry to adopt complex multi-core processor designs with embedded networks-on-chip. In this paper we present hp-DCFNoC, a ...
Domínguez Montagud, Carlos Pascual; Martínez-Rubio, Juan-Miguel; Busquets Mataix, José Vicente; Hassan Mohamed, Houcine(Springer-Verlag, 2019-04)
[EN] This paper presents a human-computer cooperation platform, which permits the coordination between the user and the tool to improve the development of real-time control applications (e.g., mobile robots). These ...
Moreno Candela, Martí(Universitat Politècnica de València, 2021-10-01)
[CA] En els sistemes de temps real crític no poden produir-se errors, ja que estos es consideren
catastròfics. Des del punt de vista dels requisits temporals, això vol dir que cap tasca pot perdre
el seu termini. Per ...
Furió Novejarque, Clara(Universitat Politècnica de València, 2016-10-26)
[EN] Traditionally, the study of real-time systems has mainly focused on hardware systems
simple enough that make its study easy; for instance, system modeling and schedulability
analysis. This implies that the processors ...
Nowadays, MAS paradigm tries to move Computation to a new level of abstraction: Computation as interaction,
where large complex systems are seen in terms of the services they offer, and consequently in
terms of the ...
Aceituno Peinado, José María(Universitat Politècnica de València, 2024-03-28)
[ES] Los sistemas de tiempo real se caracterizan por exigir el cumplimento de unos requisitos temporales que garanticen el funcionamiento aceptable de un sistema. Especialmente, en los sistemas de tiempo real estricto estos ...