Prats Boluda, Gema; Ye Lin, Yiyao; Trénor Gomis, Beatriz Ana(Editorial Universitat Politècnica de València, 2016-07-19)
[EN] Today’s society requires graduates who present a wide range of cross skills in addition to master the specific skills of their grade, as in the case of effective communication skill. In this paper the use of ...
Ferrer Sapena, Antonia; Sánchez Pérez, Enrique Alfonso(Ediciones Profesionales de la Informacion SL, 2019-04)
[EN] Blockchain technology is being introduced in all areas and procedures of verification, identification and recording of
the virtual world. Some of its applications are simple translations of methods that are already ...
García García, Alicia; Lopez Borrull, Alexandre; Peset Mancebo, María Fernanda(EPI SCP, 2015-12)
[ES] Dos hechos principales, el ingente incremento de la cantidad de datos que los científicos producen, y la presión por la transparencia
y la eficiencia económica de los presupuestos públicos, han ocasionado que la ...
Cantarino Martí, Isidro(Editorial Universitat Politècnica de València, 2022-10-28)
[EN] Carrying out practical works in the classroom is a fundamental part of the university subjects
development. The group works developed on realistic cases are especially interesting. In the
subject "Science and ...
Perez, Joaquin; Suárez Zapata, Adrián; Torres País, José; García Olcina, Raimundo; Martos Torres, Julio; Soret Medel, Jesus; Martinez Delgado, Pedro; Menéndez Márquez, Abraham; Garcia-Acosta, Daniel(Editorial Universitat Politècnica de València, 2021-09-28)
[EN] How to design communications systems and its foundations depends on various factors such as the accessibility to learning resources, the academic environment and the audience itself. This article reports how the ...
Garzón Rams, Vanessa(Universitat Politècnica de València, 2022-06-27)
[ES] Los centros biomédicos de la Comunitat Valenciana investigan mucho sobre salud, pero se sabe menos sobre quiénes desarrollan y financian esa investigación biomédica, objeto de estudio de la presente tesis.
Nuestro ...