[EN] Commendable amount of work has been attempted in the field of Sentiment Analysis or Opinion Mining from natural language texts and Twitter texts. One of the main goals in such tasks is to assign polarities (positive ...
Escortell Pérez, Mª Amparo; Gimenez Fayos, Maite; Rosso, Paolo(Sociedad Española para el Procesamiento del Lenguaje Natural, 2017)
[ES] Uno de los retos más complejos a los que se enfrenta el Procesamiento de Lenguaje Natural es el de determinar la polaridad de un tweet (positiva, negativa o neutra) cuando en éste aparece lenguaje figurado, es ...
The use of irony and sarcasm has been proven to be a pervasive phenomenon in social media posing a
challenge to sentiment analysis systems. Such devices, in fact, can influence and twist the polarity of an
utterance in ...
Hernández Farias, Delia Irazu(Universitat Politècnica de València, 2017-11-06)
Social media platforms, like Twitter, offer a face-saving ability that allows users to express themselves employing figurative language devices such as irony to achieve different communication purposes. Dealing with such ...
Chierichetti, Luisa(Universitat Politècnica de València, 2022-07-28)
[EN] This paper addresses the use of the annotations and descriptions in the scripts of a Spanish television series asmetapragmatic labels that classify (im)polite instances as ironic or sarcastic. Fictional data are ...