Rocamora Sempere, Asunción(Universitat Politècnica de València, 2024-10-31)
[ES] El calendario de flores que he creado es el conjunto de ideas y conocimientos que he ido desarrollando de dos conceptos diferentes: un mensaje que abarca los conceptos de concienciación del estado actual de la biosfera ...
Plà Micó, Arnau(Universitat Politècnica de València, 2020-12-21)
[CA] Segons la FAO (Fundació de les Nacions Unides per a l’Alimentació i l’Agricultura),
l’agricultura tradicional engloba les pràctiques agropecuàries indígenes, que resulten de la coevolució dels sistemes socials ...
Ferrer Gimeno, Xavier(Universitat Politècnica de València, 2020-11-27)
[CA] Plantejament del disseny i dimensionat de totes les obres i instal·lacions necessàries per a posar en funcionament una central hortofrutícola destinada a la manipulació, confecció i expedició de fruita de temporada a ...
[EN] The productive and reproductive performances of New Zealand White and Soviet Chinchilla breeds of rabbit
were studied in the sub-tropical climate of Tripura, India. Data from 317 litters were collected and studied. ...
San Jose, R.; Sánchez Mata, María de Cortes; Camara Hurtado, Maria de la Montaña; Prohens Tomás, Jaime(Wiley, 2014-10)
BACKGROUND No comprehensive reports exist on the combined effects of season, cultivation environment and genotype on eggplant (Solanum melongena) composition. We studied proximate composition, carbohydrates, total phenolics ...
A total of 287 females of a local Kabylian population of rabbits were studied at the University of Tizi-Ouzou (Algeria) over 6 years. The females were mated for the first time at the age of 4.5 months and remated 10-12 ...
[EN] BACKGROUND: Tomatoes are an important source of antioxidants (carotenoids, vitamin C, etc.) owing to their high level of consumption. There is great interest in developing cultivars with increased levels of lycopene, ...
Jorgensen, F.; Ellis-Iversen, J.; Rushton, S.; Bull, S. A.; Harris, S. A.; Bryan, S. J.; González Pellicer, Ana; Humphrey, T. J.(American Society for Microbiology, 2011)
[EN] Geographical and seasonal variation in the incidence and prevalence of Campylobacter jejuni and C. coli in housed broiler flocks reared in Great Britain in 2004 to 2006 was investigated in this study. Ceca (30) from ...
[EN] The present study was conducted to evaluate the commercial lifespan and optimum wool harvest interval of Angora rabbits. One hundred shorn Angora rabbits were housed in an organised farm to describe the wool production ...
Abdelli-Larbi, O.; Mazouzi-Hadid, F.; Berchiche, M.; Bolet, G.; Garreau, H.; Lebas, F.(Editorial Universitat Politècnica de València, 2014-09-30)
[EN] This study evaluated the effect of dam coat colours, doe’s parity order, year and kindling season on litter size and growth of suckling kits of a local Algerian rabbit population. Rabbits were reared in the rabbitry ...
Casares-Crespo, Lucía; Fernández-Serrano, P.; Vicente Antón, José Salvador; Marco-Jiménez, Francisco; Viudes de Castro, María Pilar(Elsevier, 2018)
[EN] The present study was conducted to characterise rabbit seminal plasma proteins (SP proteins) focusing on the influence of the genetic origin and seasonality. In addition, ß-NGF protein quantity in SP was determined. ...
Pascual Amorós, Juan José; García, C.; Martinez-Paredes, Eugenio; Moce Cervera, E. T.; Vicente Antón, José Salvador(EDP Sciences, 2004)
[EN] A total of sixty-six young males were used to evaluate the effect of low (L), medium (M) and high (H) concentrations of dietary digestible energy received during the rearing seasons (autumn and spring) on the performance ...
Jaén-Téllez, Juan Antonio; Bartolomé, Ester; Sánchez-Guerrero, María José; Valera, Mercedes; González-Redondo, Pedro(Universitat Politècnica de València, 2021-12-29)
[EN] In clinical examination of rabbits, the temperature is usually recorded with a digital thermometer introduced rectally, an invasive procedure that could cause handling stress. The aim of this study was to assess body ...
[EN] The influence of season, parity, age and weight of doe at service on the reproductive efficiency of female German Angora rabbits has been studied. Nulliparous German Angora rabbits of 4 - 5 months of age were imported ...
[EN] This study was conducted to assess the effect of breed, season, age and weight of doe at mating on reproductive performance of 4 broiler rabbit breeds, Grey Giant, White Giant, Soviet Chinchilla, and New Zealand White, ...
[EN] A total of 32 sexually mature rabbit bucks (at 6th month of age) were used in this experiment to study the effects of breed (Black Baladi -BB- vs. White New Zealand -WNZ-) and season (summer vs. winter) on libido and ...
[EN] The effect of breed and season on rabbits’ fur characteristics under Egyptian semi-arid conditions was studied in this research. Fifty-nine male rabbits aged 3-3.5 mo of Gabaly (GB, n=21) and New Zealand White (NZW, ...
Demeter, Csongor; Matics, Zsolt; Demeter-Jeremiás, Anett; Sándor, Ferenc; Gerencsér, Zsolt; Német, Zoltán(Universitat Politècnica de València, 2023-12-27)
[EN] A major problem of large-scale rabbit farming is digestive diseases. Relatively few data on parasitic diseases of industrial rabbit populations are available. The aim of the study was to evaluate the seasonaldependent ...
To evaluate the main environmental factors in the productivity of Carmagnola Grey rabbits, an endangered breed indigenous to northern Italy, data collected over 8 years were analysed. Production data on the pure closed ...
[EN] The present study analyzed the effect of transport time, season and position on the truck on physiological stress response of commercial rabbits in Aragón (Spain). A total of 156 animals were sampled in a 2x2x3 factorial ...