Serrano-Ruiz, Julio C.; Mula, Josefa; Poler, R.(Elsevier, 2022-03)
[EN] Based on a scientific literature review in the conceptual domain defined by smart manufacturing scheduling (SMS), this article identifies the benefits and limitations of the reviewed contributions, establishes and ...
Serrano Ruiz, Julio César(Universitat Politècnica de València, 2026-01-24)
[ES] El paradigma de la Industria 4.0 (I4.0) gravita en gran medida sobre el potencial de las tecnologías de la información y la comunicación (TIC) para mejorar la competitividad y sostenibilidad de las industrias. El ...
Serrano-Ruiz, Julio C.; Mula, Josefa; Poler, R.(Elsevier, 2022-05)
[EN] An integral application of the enabling technologies of Industry 4.0 in the job-shop scheduling problem (JSSP) must contemplate the automation and autonomy of the involved decision-making processes as a goal, which ...