Afrooz, Susan; Azarpanah, Fariborz; Etebar, Masoomeh(Universitat Politècnica de València, 2018-10-04)
[EN] Among variant kinds of strong continuity in the literature, the clopen continuity or cl-supercontinuity (i.e., inverse image of every open set is a union of clopen sets) is considered in this paper. We investigate ...
Karamzadeh, O. A. S.; Namdari, M.; Soltanpour, S.(Universitat Politècnica de València, 2015-10-01)
[EN] Let $C_c(X)=\{f\in C(X) : |f(X)|\leq \aleph_0\}$, $C^F(X)=\{f\in C(X): |f(X)|<\infty\}$, and $L_c(X)=\{f\in C(X) : \overline{C_f}=X\}$, where $C_f$ is the union of all open subsets $U\subseteq X$ such that ...