Madrigal-Martínez, Santiago; Miralles García, José Luis(MDPI AG, 2020-10)
[EN] The understanding of relationships between ecosystem services and the appropriate spatial scales for their analysis and characterization represent opportunities for sustainable land management. Bundles have appeared ...
Domingo-Marimon, Cristina(Universitat Politècnica de València, 2016-06-27)
[ES] Durante los últimos años el interés en el seguimiento y en los efectos de las sequías se ha incrementado a causa de las situaciones climáticas extremas acontecidas, sobre todo en la cuenca Mediterránea. Por ello, la ...
Asgary, Ali; Solis, Adriano; Khan, Nawar; Wimaladasa, Janithra; Sabet, Maryam(Editorial Universitat Politècnica de València, 2022-09-20)
[EN] The COVID-19 pandemic has required governments to introduce various public health measures in order to contain and manage the pandemic’s unprecedented impacts in terms of illnesses and deaths. This study analyzes the ...
Souli, Mounira; Boughalleb, Naima; Abad Campos, María Paloma; Álvarez, Luis Armando; Pérez Sierra, Ana María; Armengol Fortí, Josep; García Jiménez, José(Wiley-Blackwell, 2011-05)
Pythium indigoferae and Pythium irregulare, identified based on morphological and physiological characteristics, were isolated from necrotic roots, crown tissues and the rhizosphere of apple trees in Tunisia from 23 apple ...
Madrigal Martínez, Santiago(Universitat Politècnica de València, 2021-09-02)
[ES] Los servicios ecosistémicos de montaña han adquirido importancia entre los científicos, los administradores y los encargados de formular políticas de todo el mundo; sin embargo, las actividades humanas están amenazando ...
Alcaraz-Hernández, Juan Diego; Martinez-Capel, Francisco; Peredo Parada, Matías Manuel; Hernández Mascarell, Aina Berta(Asociación Ibérica de Limnología, 2011)
[EN] The hydromorphological units or mesohabitats of the headwaters of four Mediterranean streams were studied by classifying them according to their length, width, average and maximum depth, percentage of substrate and ...