Ultraviolet radiation has become an increasing problem in recent years. It causes many injuries in humans giving rise to the need for protection against ultraviolet radiation, which can be provided by textiles with a high ...
Santos Figueroa, Luis Enrique; Giménez Morales, Cristina; Agostini, Alessandro; Aznar Gimeno, Elena; Marcos Martínez, María Dolores; Sancenón Galarza, Félix; Martínez Mañez, Ramón; Amoros del Toro, Pedro Jose(Wiley-VCH Verlag, 2013-12-16)
[EN] In water and wine: Chromofluorogenic detection of the sulfite anion in pure water was accomplished by using a new hybrid organic-inorganic material that contained a probe entrapped in hydrophobic biomimetic cavities. ...