Soriano Olivares, Javier; Cabrera Rochera, Enrique; Cobacho Jordán, Ricardo; Arregui de la Cruz, Francisco(Editorial Universitat Politècnica de València, 2014-07-16)
[Otros] Both online and mix learning (more commonly known as semi-attendance or
blended learning) have experienced significant growth over the last decades,
given the advantages they possess when compared with purely ...
Gallego Ortega, José Luis; Rodríguez Fuentes, Antonio(Universitat Politècnica de València, 2017-12-30)
[EN] It is well known that university teaching is undergoing a shift with the introduction of the EHEA and its new scenarios, resources and strategies. We are seeing calls for greater levels of student involvement, as ...
Marín García, Juan Antonio; Aragonés Beltrán, Pablo; García Melón, Mónica(Editorial Universitat Politècnica de València, 2014-12-26)
[EN] The aim of this paper is to propose a critical example to assess student competencies using the paired comparison as multiple criteria decision making tool based on analytic hierarchy process (AHP). We apply it to ...
[EN] Every semester, we observe more or less the same principal difficulties among our students who are striving
to learn the intricacies of software development. Basically, they run into the same kind of errors throughout ...
Porto Currás, Mónica(Universitat Politècnica de València, 2009-06-15)
[ES] En este artículo realizamos un perfil con los rasgos que caracterizan la evaluación de estudiantes en la Universidad de Santiago de Compostela a partir de las percepciones que de este proceso tienen los propios ...