Yan, Xuanyi(Universitat Politècnica de València, 2024-10-16)
[ES] El turismo es un importante pilar que sustenta la economía de Xinjiang y es muy importante para su desarrollo. En este trabajo fin de grado se analizará el desarrollo actual del turismo en la provincia de Xinjiang, ...
Mestre-Mestre, Eva M.(Springer International Publishing, 2023-12)
[EN] Emotions remain a fertile field of research. Thanks to newly available technology, investigating people's preferences, emotions and feelings is relevant for different purposes and perspectives. Consequently, the ...
Orts, Abilio; Boigues Planes, Francisco José; Llinares Ciscar, Salvador(Universidade Luterana do Brasil Programa de Pós-Graduação em Ensino de Ciências e Matemática, 2018)
[EN] This research study has as goal to identify features of Instrumental Genesis in the learning
of tangent line concept using GeoGebra. We design a teaching experiment with 11 high school
students (16-17 years-old) ...
Adsuara Fuster, Jose E.; Pérez-Suay, Adrián; Ruescas, Ana B.; Moreno-Martínez, Alvaro; Fernández-Torres, Miguel Ángel; Varando, Gherardo; Fernandez-Moran, Roberto; Amorós, Julia; Girbés-Juan, Vicent; Piles-Guillem, Maria; Muñoz-Marí, Jordi; Gómez-Chova, Luis(Editorial Universitat Politècnica de València, 2023-10-06)
[EN] When new technological tools are introduced in the academic field, there is a need to
know the acceptance and motivation for their use by the students. In this paper, we introduce an existing formal methodology called ...
Gil Salom, Daniela Teresa; Gómez-Perales, María- José(Editorial Universitat Politècnica de València, 2015-07-10)
[EN] How can an institutional platform such as PoliformaT support in the
acquisition of a second foreign language? The aim of this paper is to show
how we guided our students from different centers and belonging to ...