Verdú Amat, Samuel; Barat Baviera, José Manuel; Alava Pincay, Cecibel; Grau Meló, Raúl(Elsevier, 2017)
[EN] The food processing industry generates huge volumes of waste and co-products which still contain valuable compounds. Tiger-nut milk production generates large amounts of a co-product with a high insoluble fibre content, ...
Alava Pincay, Cecibel; Verdú Amat, Samuel; Barat Baviera, José Manuel; Grau Meló, Raúl(Blackwell Publishing, 2018)
[EN] The impact of integrating a tiger-nut milk co-product into the wheat chip production process for enriching fibre content to meet European recommendations for 'source of fibre foods' and 'high fibre content foods' was ...